Barbadian entrepreneur, Mr. Joshua Forte of Red Diamond Compost  Inc. wins Canewood Award at the Barbados National Youth Awards 2023.  

Joshua Forte, Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Red Diamond Compost Inc. and a member  of the Bloom incubation program led by Export Barbados (BIDC), was nominated for three awards  during the Division of Youth Affairs’ National Youth Awards ceremony on Saturday, February 4th,  2023, at the Frank Collymore Hall, St Michael. 

Held under the theme: Acknowledging Excellence: Inspiring Youth, Barbadians nominated  individuals and youth-centered organizations or groups dedicated to their work and cause, and making  meaningful contributions in their respective areas. Joshua received the Canewood Award, which was  presented by Ms. Chelsea Jordan, Youth Mental Health Advocate, to an individual working in  agriculture, horticulture, the environment, or agro-processing. 

Joshua states, “Receiving the Canewood Award is a moment of immense pride and honor. It is a  testament to the hard work and dedication that has gone into my journey thus far. But this recognition  would not have been possible without the support of those who have been with me every step of the  way – my family, friends, customers, and partners. They have believed in my vision and mission and  have stood by me through thick and thin. This award is a celebration of our collective success and a  symbol of the limitless possibilities that can be achieved when we work together towards a common  goal.” 

Joshua Forte is an independent researcher, social entrepreneur, trainer, and consultant specializing in  sustainable environmental methods, systems, and practices in the fields of solid waste management,  recycling, and food and agriculture. He created his business, Red Diamond Compost Inc., in 2014 and  developed a biotech social enterprise business model designed to remove key toxins from the food chain  and environment by converting organic materials, such as the Sargassum seaweed, into clean and green  agrochemical solutions. Joshua has been a member of the Bloom programme since 2020 and was one  of ten awardees to receive $20,000 BDS in grant funding to assist in the growth and development of his  business. 

To learn more about Red Diamond Compost Inc. please click here.